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- Grange URC | Daily Devotion
A daily Devotion from Truth For Life Here you can view a daily devotional message from Pastor Alistair Begg Click HERE for main website and archive
- Grange URC | Mission Support
We provide Mission Support for both UK and overseas ministry. Mission Support Here, at Grange URC, we have a themed Mission Support every couple of months. Our current support is for (click on image to open):
- Grange URC Bebington | Home
Grange URC, Bebington, is open to all visitors and people wanting to seek the living word of God. Visit our website to see what we are about. Seeking To Spread The Gospel in Higher Bebington Welcome To the website of Grange United Reformed Church (Grange URC), in Higher Bebington on the corner of Kings Road and Kings Lane at Broadway roundabout. We seek to present the Good News (Gospel) of Jesus Christ. We would very much like other people to come to know what faith in Jesus and joining with God’s people means, so we try to be friendly to visitors without pressure. We seek to serve our community through groups that meet on our premises, and to support various Christian groups who work in other parts of the local area, UK and the world. Read More >> Weekly Message Listen to this weeks sermon. No more than about 30 mins in length and we follow a theme each week using a book of the Bible. March 9 - John Hughes 00:00 / 17:18 Previous Weeks Messages - HERE Daily Bible Study The daily devotional by Alistair Begg provides a verse or short passage of Scripture to read each day, followed by an insightful commentary by Alistair that explains the passage in more depth Church Activities See what activities are taking place at our church during the week by having a look at our What's On Calendar . These range from our Guiding Groups to monthly Arts & Crafts . We also Hire Rooms and host Parties . Our Team Our church is managed by a team of volunteers. Hard working and dedicated to our ministry, they ensure the smooth running of our activities behind the scenes. Music Our congregation love to sing - and sing very well. Our choir was brought together during lockdown to record some classic and modern hymns. Each recorded individually and edited together by our music director Martin. You can hear our efforts by viewing our YouTube Channel . Safeguarding At Grange URC we take Safeguarding seriously. Please click HERE to view our current policy and also our policies for Lone Working, Privacy and CCTV.
- Grange URC | Services
A brief snapshot of what life at Grange URC is like. Sunday Services 11:00 to 12:00 - Doors Open 10:30am 18:30 - No Evening Service At Present Our Sunday services are simple in form - a visitor should be able to follow what is happening quite easily and enjoy our enthusiastic singing of God's praise. Children and young people join in for the first part of the morning service and then have their own 'Junior Church' groups. We can offer crèche for babies and pre-school children if required. Our Elders, or a visiting speaker, give a talk based on the Bible, which we believe to be the reliable word of God. The talk helps us to understand the Good News (the Gospel): "God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, into the world so that all those who trust in his death on the cross are forgiven for all their wrong doing and are enabled to live a new life with him." We also learn how God wants us to live out our everyday lives in the 21st Century. On the first Sunday of the month the service includes the Lord's Supper (or Communion) when all who trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord are invited to share the bread and wine. For enquiries about Weddings and Baptisms please use the Contact Page . The church is also able to offer a "Service of Thanksgiving following the Birth of a Child" if this is felt more appropriate. Amplification is provided at all services with an induction loop system for those with hearing aids. Large print hymnbooks and Bibles are available from the steward on the door. Transport to and from the church can also be arranged. Sunday Services
- Grange URC | Weekly Message
Here you can listen to the current weeks message delivered during the morning service. Weekly Message Archive Below are sound files of previous weeks messages from our morning service. Each is approximately 25-30 mins long. Depending on your internet connection the audio may take one or two seconds to load. Scroll down for the most recent recordings.
- Grange URC | Team
Here are the key people who lead our Church and provide support and maintenance of the building. Meet The Team At Grange we have many folk who generously give their time and talent to ensure the smooth running of the church building and activity. Here are the faces and names, in front of and behind the scenes of the more, senior roles: Minister Position Vacant Church Elders From Left: Paul Hughes and John Hughes. Church Secretary John Hughes (to contact click here ) Management Committee From Left: Malcolm Beastall, Sue Ringrose, Carole Shaw, John Hughes, Ken Luke and Martin Morris Elders Mangers
- Grange URC | About
A brief snapshot of what life at Grange URC is like. About Us Below are links to various pages on our site that give more insight into what makes our church so special to us and visitors. Sunday Services Read More Our Beliefs Read More Prayer Request Read More Our Team Read More Mission Support Read More C.H.A.O.S Read More
- Grange URC | CHAOS
Craft Handiwork And Other Stuff. A monthly meeting for women. 1/20 C raft H andiwork A nd O ther S tuff So what Is CHAOS? CHAOS is a monthly activity afternoon for ladies, of all ages, who wish to ‘have a go’ at different crafts. Meetings are open for anyone to come along to whether, or not, you attend the Church. We meet between 1:30pm and 3:30pm on a Monday. There is a nominal charge of no more then £3 per session. Coffee, tea and biccy included - sometimes cakes! In meetings to date we have had a go at the following activities: 2024 Meeting Dates are: January - no meeting! February 26th March 18th April 29th - our 10th Birthday Celebration!! Watch this space! May 20th June 17th July 22nd August 19th September 16th October 21st November 18th December 16th If you are interested in coming along please contact: Kathy Bowen - 0151 608 4 875 Dorothy Mawby - 0151 608 4594 We would love to see you there.
- Grange URC | Beliefs
This page tells of our Core Beliefs and our Mission in Bebington. Beliefs It is important to us that what we believe and do is based on the Bible, which we taken to be the reliable word of God. We seek to present the Good News (gospel) of Jesus Christ – that God sent his Son into the world to die on the Cross, so that all those who trust in him are forgiven all their wrongdoing and enabled to live a new life with him by God’s Holy S pirit. We also believe that we should learn from the Bible how God wants us to live as Christians and to respond to the issues and circumstances of life today. Our Mission Our mission should be based on the following foundations: Discipleship: Acts 2:42-47 - The desire to deepen our trust of God and grow more like Jesus. True discipleship grows when our life is directed by God’s Word and the Holy Spirit into a deeper holiness and Christ-likeness. Evangelism: Matthew 28:19-20 - As ambassadors of Christ, we are to share the Gospel that connects with people’s lives, by the work of The Holy Spirit challenges their sin and so point them to the joy of forgiveness and united to Christ by faith, with the future hope of Eternal Resurrected Life. Mission: Luke 10:25-37 - ‘Ministry of Mercy’ To engage as a Church Fellowship with the community to meet the some of the needs of the Community, so that we can take God given opportunities to share the Gospel and met their eternal needs. Vision and Mission of Grange is - Knowing Jesus and Sharing Jesus Our Statement of Purpose to honour God in all that we believe and do, taking the Bible as our authority to enable God's people to grow in faith and spiritual life, in fellowship and in witness and service to make known the Good News through the church and in the local community to co-operate with Bible-centred churches, missions and Christian agencies at home and abroad.
- Grange URC | Prayer
Prayer is important to us. Both as a Church and individuals. Please make contact if you need help. Prayer Prayer is an important part of our church life. Christian friendliness and care amongst those who are part of the church is very important as are people and places, problems and needs in the wider community. We have a weekly Bible Study and Prayer Time on a Tuesday evening between 7:30pm - 8:30pm. Any issues are prayed for. This prayer time is very informal and we all learn a lot from sharing with one another. Please do not hesitate to contact below should you have any specific prayer requests you would like to bring to our attention. It will be treated in the strictest confidence and you need not complete the contact boxes (the prayer request link does not reveal the origin). Prayer Request Send Request Request Submitted CONTACT US Kings Road, Higher Bebington, WIRRAL CH63 8LX