Sunday Services
11:00 to 12:00 - Doors Open 10:30am
18:30 - No Evening Service At Present
Our Sunday services are simple in form - a visitor should be able to follow what is happening quite easily and enjoy our enthusiastic singing of God's praise. Children and young people join in for the first part of the morning service and then have their own 'Junior Church' groups. We can offer crèche for babies and pre-school children if required.

Our Elders, or a visiting speaker, give a talk based on the Bible, which we believe to be the reliable word of God. The talk helps us to understand the Good News (the Gospel): "God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, into the world so that all those who trust in his death on the cross are forgiven for all their wrong doing and are enabled to live a new life with him." We also learn how God wants us to live out our everyday lives in the 21st Century. On the first Sunday of the month the service includes the Lord's Supper (or Communion) when all who trust in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord are invited to share the bread and wine.
For enquiries about Weddings and Baptisms please use the Contact Page. The church is also able to offer a "Service of Thanksgiving following the Birth of a Child" if this is felt more appropriate.
Amplification is provided at all services with an induction loop system for those with hearing aids. Large print hymnbooks and Bibles are available from the steward on the door. Transport to and from the church can also be arranged.